Architectural, indoor environmental, personal and cultural influences on students' selection of a preferred place to study

Assessing beliefs about the consequences of not just right experiences: Psychometric properties of the Not Just Right Experience-Sensitivity Scale (NJRE-SS)

Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy and Psychological Treatments in Australia

From "It has stopped our lives" to "Spending more time together has strengthened bonds": The varied experiences of Australian families during COVID-19

Health-Related Quality of Life in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Inner Speech Moderates the Relationship Between Autism Spectrum Traits and Emotion Regulation

Interventions for adolescents with ADHD to improve peer social functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Predicting the severity of excessive buying using the Excessive Buying Rating Scale and Compulsive Buying Scale

Study protocol for the COVID-19 Pandemic Adjustment Survey (CPAS): a longitudinal study of Australian parents of a child 0-18 years

Using photo-elicitation and interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore possessions as links to self-concept and the identities of others in hoarding disorder